Get Transformative Coaching from David Tian, Ph.D., Live In Person!
Join David Tian live in person in this powerful, transformative, 3-day personal development experience that guides you through the step-by-step Therapeutic Coaching process to level up your psychology, discover your life purpose, and find and grow your ideal relationship.
The shortcut hack to reaching your life goals is through a series of Therapeutic Coaching processes that liberate you from any toxic shame, neurotic patterns, core insecurities, or deep psychological wounds holding you back... and enable you to fulfill the power of your true potential... as the attractive, powerful, and confident man you're meant to be.
Through Therapeutic Coaching, you’ll be able to attract and keep amazing people in your life, including your ideal woman, just by being your true self and enjoying a deeper purpose in your life.
I believe this freedom can be yours, but only if you take it!
Join me for this 3-day, life-changing event.
This isn’t your typical rah-rah, pitch-fest type of conference. If that’s what you’re into, this probably isn’t for you.
At this 3-day transformational experience, you’ll discover critical keys to elevate your emotional intelligence and unlock your full potential. Together, we will…
- Discover the hidden link between your upbringing and the fears that are holding you back from your most attractive self (Whether you’re having trouble approaching women, making a move, or satisfying her in the bedroom… EVERYTHING is somehow connected to your development as a man. I’ll show you how to wipe your slate clean of this “internal B.S.” and reprogram yourself with mature, masculine confidence that high quality women look for)
- Access your true self… and become the leader of yourself and your life, resolve your inner conflicts, become whole and integrated, and tap into your true power, centerednesss, courage, and confidence
- Replace any “Immature Boy Psychology” governing your interactions with women with “Mature Man Psychology”… so you always do what a REAL MAN should do in those tough situations… without even thinking about it (This is THE KEY to auto-pilot success in dating and relationships – that you can do it WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT - whether it’s responding with your powerful presence just when she needs it the most or knowing exactly what to say over the phone - you’ll learn how to INSTINCTIVELY know the right thing to do…)
- Uncover your true life purpose… so you’ll have a new passion to take on your dreams and goals and reach a clarity of vision for your future that drives you forward
- Connect with your emotional center… so you’ll understand how our deepest yearnings are not delusions but mere inklings of profound underlying truths. Discover incredible opportunities for growth and healing, and awaken your capacity for compassion, presence, and unconditional love
- and much more
These Therapeutic Coaching processes will accelerate your development as a mature and masculine man, especially in your authenticity, vulnerability, and courage.
There’s no posturing, fake alpha, tough guy nonsense where you’re taught to “dominate the world” at the expense of your values; no 10 random dudes selling you stuff; no B-tier trainers; no bullshit.
I’ve also intentionally kept enrollment quite small. This is because if there are too many participants, I wouldn’t be able to give adequate attention to everyone. I’ve always been a believer in quality over quantity, and this is no exception.
Enrollment is strictly limited to just a couple dozen spots to ensure you and your fellow students receive the highest-quality experience and attention.
Once we’re full, that’s it.
Reserve your seat now before registration is closed.
Meet Your Therapeutic Coach Dr. David Tian
David Tian, Ph.D., is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, emotional and social intelligence, masculinity, relationships, researcher, author, and global educator.
As an international top personal development coach, he educates and empowers people to attain the social intelligence, competence, and confidence for success and happiness in dating, relationships, and their lifestyles.
He has developed a series of solutions applicable across diverse cultures, contexts, societies, and age groups. His coaching curriculum ranges from relationships, social skills, masculinity, self-development, self-esteem, happiness, and fulfillment.
His presentations, whether keynotes, seminars, or workshops, leave clients with insights into their behavior, psychology, and keys to their empowerment. His training methodologies are the result of over a decade of coaching and education of tens of thousands of students from more than 87 countries.

Dr. Tian is unique in delivering penetrating insights into psychology, physiology, philosophy, and people skills that are empirically grounded, rigorously scientific, practical, heart-centered, and astonishingly effective.

Below is a sample agenda. This is NOT the final agenda of the live event
You will receive the final agenda after you register.
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session 1
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Break
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Session 2
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Coffee Break
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Session 3
7:00 PM - onwards
VIP & Gold Dinner w/ David Tian
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session 4
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Break
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Session 5
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Coffee Break
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Session 6
7:00 PM - onwards
VIP & Gold Dinner w/ David Tian
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
VIP & Gold Debriefing Brunch Reception with David Tian
A full day of advanced training in psychology and behavior so that you can discover your true self and reveal your real life purpose. You’ll understand what actually drives your behavior, shapes your thoughts, and defines your identity and happiness. You’ll rewire your brain for success, overcome fear and doubt, become more confident, and develop greater capacity for joy, resilience, and drive.
Using proprietary meditative techniques, you’ll be guided step by step in how to elevate your unconscious mind above the rotten thoughts, memories, and wounds poisoning your mind, so that you can be free from them forever... and finally heal and grow into your full potential. You’ll stop self-sabotaging or compensating for the things you’re insecure about in yourself. You’ll access the hidden power of your emotional center and awaken to your incredible capacity for compassion, presence, and non-needy, unconditional love. You'll uncover your natural attractiveness and charisma to draw to yourself effortlessly the right women for you.
To cap off this transformative weekend, we'll lock in your gains, so that they’re there whenever you need them. You’ll get personal coaching from David Tian, along with the principles and tools to ensure that you continue to level up in your life for many years to come, enjoying continual elevation of yourself and your relationships... on your journey of lasting love, success, and fulfillment.
DATES: 12-14 August 2022
LOCATION: Central London
(exact venue information is sent to registrants upon enrollment)
What exactly makes this event so unique and amazing? Great question!
David Tian Live In Person is the live event component of the FreedomU online program, Dr. David Tian’s new flagship course, which he’s been developing in some form for more than 13 years. VIP members will get access to the 8-week FreedomU online training, which is the perfect complement to this transformative, in-person event.
This live training experience will not only educate, teach, and inform, but also bring together those who are on similar journeys so you can uplift, inspire, and empower each other in a supportive community.

(Click On Your Desired Location Below)
Warning! Registration Closing In...
SPECIAL: VIP and Gold members will be treated to private dinners on both nights and brunch on the last day with David Tian. These multi-hour intimate meals with David will give Gold and VIP members the opportunity to deep dive with David into their personal goals, limiting beliefs, or life challenges. You’ll have the opportunity to ask David any burning questions you might have, as well as learn from the problems of other members as David works directly with them and you to provide the most effective solutions.

If this is not the BEST personal development event you’ve been to, simply ask for your money back by the end of Day 1 for a full refund.

“I’ve grown so much as a person, I want to tell everybody about this transformative experience. It’s just been night and day — who I am now and who I was when I started. Now that I’ve gone through live course, I’m so happy, it's awesome. David’s live training will change your life for the better in so many countless ways.”
Daniel, 28
“David's live training has definitely been a powerful event for me; more powerful than any other course I have taken. Being in a group with like-minded people and working through our traumas and personal crises has given me solace. Not to mention, meeting Face-to-Face with Dr. Tian and his staff, as well as getting personally refined feedback and insights, gives an experience like no other. Not even the online courses could ever come close to the actual face-to-face. It is especially powerful when you see the stories and vulnerability of Dr. Tian and his staff, and realize that we all have demons to conquer and that we are all human. Thank you again, Dr. Tian. I look forward to creating a bright future for myself and my loved ones and becoming something good in the world.”
Nicholas, 27
“Thanks for everything, David! I am currently enjoying life with a beautiful woman thanks to your live training! I've found a very secure, confident and successful woman who loves when I take control, while remaining a gentleman. I focus every day on giving love for the sake of giving it without any expectation in return. It's a very liberating feeling and pays dividends in the relationship. Our children also have the opportunity to see what love is between partners, and can use that as a benchmark for their standards when looking for a partner themselves!””
Patrick, 47

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