Are You Living Your Purpose?

Did you wake up this morning full of excitement about the day ahead?...

Or did you hit the snooze button a few times, before dragging yourself out of bed?

If you’re like most people, your job is something you do just for the paycheck.

But what you do for a living has a much bigger impact on your life than just paying your bills.

It can be one of the biggest obstacles to attracting an amazing partner and people into your life.

If you're not waking up with passion and zest for life, you won’t have the confidence and charisma to naturally attract an amazing partner and people into your life.

In fact, putting up with an activity that you don't even enjoy and doing it for the majority of your waking life means... you're not actually treating yourself with love.

In my last video I spoke about Freedom of Self. This lays the foundation for what I’m going to talk about next: Freedom of Purpose.

When you’ve Freedom of Purpose, you’ll attract high-quality people and an amazing partner into your life who would be good for you, help you grow and mature, and make you stronger together in your relationship.

Watch this video now.

David Tian Ph.D.

P.S. You shouldn’t wake up each morning dreading the day ahead… when you've Freedom of Purpose, you'll be excited to wake up each morning.

Watch this video now and discover how to start living your life with greater passion.

QUESTION: "Have you or anyone you know lived their lives just for a paycheque vs. for a meaningful purpose? If so, what was the result?"


71 responses to “Are You Living Your Purpose? (Freedom U Video 3)”

  1. All my career I did live just for a pay cheque. Unable to bear it anymore, I am taking a sabbatical leave trying to find something for which I can wake up with enthusiasm. I hope FREEDOM U will be able to bring me an answer (or a clue at least).

    • Wow man things need to Chang in my life a tear came to my eye when I watched your video I have to Chang work pay check to pay check supposed to get married Im not happy at all I try to be thair for anyone if they need help almost anything but that don’t help me at all and I don’t ask for any thing in return just knowing that thair safe is payment enough. I know I should think of myself a little to.would love to take this course but the funds are not available at this point I’m 40 going to be 41 and I have nothing no house love life is a struggle have dead end job. I feel th air should be more to life thanks when I get rich lol then I’ll do whatever I can Im trying now but its not enough thanks

  2. I am so sick of society shaping out minds into money meaning the most, second to that is status, then family and responsibilities, then hobbies, then YOU. If we all focus on ourselves first, it can take us places we have never thought we would go. I am ready to wake up with zest for life and I want to be all that I can be. I don’t want to be a 9 to 5 man who is never happy

  3. I had the perfect woman for me. We had no issues. Sex was great, we never argued, no issues with jealousy. For the 5 years we were together, it was what the outside world would consider perfect. Well, I got bored. She hung out more and more with friends. I ended up cheating on her. We broke up. There is no “perfect” or easy relationship and if you think yours is, you may end up bored like me.

  4. I have always wanted to feel free but struggled so much with it. I feel like I have been hard wired to work, eat, have sex, and sleep. That is it. I have been longing for more. I am about to watch this now. I really have enjoyed your work David.

  5. The music is a bit loud at some points in this video. It was kind of hard to listen to for me but I pulled through. Another great video man. I never felt like I had a choice. What you talk about the “survival mode” it makes perfect sense to me.

  6. Do women not feel the same as men? Like I never felt like I didn’t have a purpose because I have my kids but my husband feels this way. I never understood this. I am going to share this video with him tomorrow. Really well spoken and easy to understand.

  7. The myth of purpose is something I would have never pegged myself having an issue with. I really felt like I was living my purpose but really, I was just happy with work. Soon as I had a bad day, it shook my world. Everything flipped. Your series here is bringing me back down to earth. Amazing work.

  8. So in order to find my purpose, I have to experience it? I have to actually feel it through life and embrace it? I never really would have done this approach. I don’t know anyone else who teaches this. I feel like my life will only get better from here on out. This freedom series is great!

  9. The false self video hit me hard so I am back and I just want to say thank you David. I have felt empty for so long and none of my friends cared enough to notice but that was my fault. I was only being my “fake” or false self around them. No wonder I couldn’t find a purpose.

  10. Up until your example I didn’t understand this but when you spoke about that Conservative man, it clicked. I was raised Conservative and family oriented. I was taught to work hard and push forward making money and saving. It almost sounded like you were talking about me. The turn around gives me hope man. I don’t want to just go through the motions anymore.

  11. Hobbies you are passionate about need to be explored. I am glad you touched on this because a lot of teens become adults who end up doing what the need to get by instead of seeing what they truly want to do. Any hobby can be turned into a career if you are passionate enough about it.

  12. Hey David,

    I am currently struggling finding a purpose/ getting to the next level.
    Before I thought that becoming a Psychologist for ADHD is my purpose and its still a visions that pulls me forward and feels effortless.

    But lately I doubted, because the disposition ADHD isnt something I chose. It was given on to me, and its my obligation to deal with it. I think (now) that a purpose is something you choose freely leaving backround, Dispositions, materialism etc. behind.

    Still I cant think of anything else…..Thats my current struggle…..I cant write a lot more, but that its for now……

    Thanks for everything

  13. I feel like my life is filled with futile struggle. It’s like everything I do doesn’t really do anything of value.

    • I often ask myself: “What am I doing with my life?” Days pass and it feels like I’m back where I started so I know what you’re saying. I hope David can help us.

  14. I would love to feel purpose to my life. To feel like I matter, what I do matters. I have moments when I feel this but then there are a lot of moments when I feel worthless.

  15. I want to attract great people into my life and make them want to stick around. Right now I seem to attract the wrong kind of people and I need to know what I am doing wrong.

  16. Living a deeper purpose is my goal as well. I want to wake up and feel like I am doing something worthwhile. How do I do that?

  17. I so want to embrace that; to embrace that purpose and that feeling of being alive and finally doing something that resonates with me!

    • Yeah, he looks so at peace with his life and I’m certain he wakes up each morning counting his blessings and feeling grateful for everything.

  18. I also believe that your true self knows your true purpose. We just need us to become one with our true self and then we’ll know.

  19. I would give up my job in a heartbeat if someone would only show me the way to do it without me losing everything. I’ve become so dependent on my paycheck and have few savings…

    • You should start building your savings account for rainy days. Have enough to last you for at least 6 months (18 months would be perfect). This will allow you to think clearly and find a way out of your job.

    • You and me both, brother. I was so cynical and nothing seemed to please me. Everything was bad, negative or not well done and I know everything. It makes me feel ashamed of who I was.

  20. Watching your videos (especially this one) I realized (took me long enough) that I am a talker and not a doer. I like to plan a lot but I rarely do something from my plans. It’s like an illness or an addiction. I actually think I need to have a plan and then I just happy sitting there without doing anything! It’s scary! What do I do?

    • I’m sure David will reply but if you ask me, start by doing really small things. Just DO something! Say you will do 2 pushups for example and do them. Don’t aim for 20 at the start. Start small.

  21. It’s always so relaxing and motivating to hear you speak, David! You’ve been a real blessing to my life. I’ve changed so much in these past years and I can’t wait to change even more once I join this program.

    • I feel the same way. I was down in a really big hole before I heard David talk years ago. He gave me hope that I could do better, be better. And I listened and believed it and then I achieved it! You’re awesome, David!

    • Me too. I’ve often put my purpose in last place because there were more “urgent” things to do at my job.

    • Just goes to show us that almost anything can bring in nice money. If we’re passionate about it, we can make money with it.

  22. I’ve always really wanted to be a stand up comedian but I’m funny to like 4 people , so that dream was destroyed and I switched to it

    • There’s a difference between a “dream” and a “passion” 😉 I dreamed of playing in the NBA… but after a few years, not only was I not that great at it, I rarely made time for basketball. Thus, you can see that it was not my PASSION. Big difference.

  23. Thank you for posting these, these last three videos have been really mind opening to a lot of things i thought differently

  24. So happy too see that you’re doing something that you’re passionate about, hopefully thorugh this course i will be able to find my passion and to do so too.

  25. Really interesting take on purpose, i always used to think that my job was the purpose, which is really dumb now that i’m watching this.

    • Hey Reef, good question! First, Freedom U is a LIVE, online course. Lifestyle Mastery is all pre-recorded. Second, Freedom U is the culmination of ALL I’ve learned over the decades in applied psychology, whereas Lifestyle Mastery only covers a small, focused portion of that.

  26. “we don’t have to just survive, we can thrive” i love it. indeed so and it’s a testament to the times were living in!

  27. working on something that you love to do, it’s not even work, mondays are not as hard, it’s all week weekend. I’m a long time fan david, looking forward to next course.

  28. Really interesing story about the fake personas we create to cope with realities, really loved it i think it was the first video? will the course touch more on that?

  29. How would i know if i found the true purpose if this course will indeed help me too? currently doing something that i’m good at but also something that i enjoy (but not passionate about it). Looking forward to the course.

  30. Why is it with families that pressure the kinds to choose the paths that they want? This is a recurring thing in the Latino families aswell.

  31. I’m willing to give up part of my paycheck to do something i love but so far i haven’t really mounted to anything passionately. I hope together with this course we can figure it out!

  32. I cannot imagine putting up with something you don’t love 8hrs a day. I really need this course. Keep these videos coming!

  33. My internship experience tells me that I do not like being in the office and that I don’t wanna do this similar thing for the rest of my life. Just waiting for the mere paycheck to fulfill me really sucks. I would like to see what this course will offer ?. It speaks to my heart that I feel like wanting to make a change.

  34. No, I have never actually followed what my purpose without also doing a day job. I have 3 things though. I love to work on vehicles. That one I can’t seem to pass the stupid schooling to get a red seal certificate. As the school systems are for only one type of learner. I don’t learn that way. I am dyslexic which battles with how my brain processes and retains information. The useless stuff they teach that you will never use in the work place. My brain doesn’t retain. So, I had to quit. I couldn’t servive. Even though I’m really good at it. No ticket no pay.
    Then there is my nature ability heal people and help them with mental issues. I have had many issues of my own. I spent time in a mental institute. On my last days there after 3 and a half weeks. I sat at a table with 15 psychologists. One being the head of Alberta mental health. He said “I have been watching you in here this whole time and I see what you did for these other patients. How they all love you. You did things none of us could do for them. With how you would get them to open up to you and talk without even trying. You would help them so much. So, I keep asking myself and my staff why you are not sitting at the other side of this table with us.” Ever since my time in there. I have people all the time ask me for help. Being on social media it is even worse. I don’t know these people nor would I even meet them in person ever. With in 10mins. of talking there are telling me things they have never told anyone. One girl told me things she never even told her husband. I love doing this as well, but yet again you need schooling to make money at this. Something I won’t be able to do. I do this for people out of the joy and happiness I get from this to not see people suffering in there head.
    Then there’s my ultimate passion. Which is playing music. Which I have been doing since I was 14. I have been in many bands over the years. I always had to rely on others to help make this dream happen. I always find my self in the same situation. The band’s always break up. No dedication, poisonous people that sabatoge all the hard work and time put into creating music. So, the last project I was in was awesome. Are songs were so good. People really liked our sound. All the members were so awesome as well. Everyone worked really hard. Then life hit the 4 other members badly. The drummer and bass player both got there ladies pregnant. So they never had time to play and sold all there gear for the up com ing babies. Then the singer and lead guitar player. We’re a couple and they split up. So all that was left was me. That’s when I said fuck it. I’m not relying on another person to play music with. I then took it upon my self to start writing my own stuff. I can play all the instruments already. So I’m good there. But recording, mixing and mastering the tracks. I have spent time to learn how to do this. Then singing I have never done this. So, I’m currently in a program and am learning this aswell. I have no musical training. So, I also took it upon my self to learn some theory. So I coul learn how to play guitar solos. That I have learned to do from you tube videos. I now am in the process of putting an album together. As to sell my stuff on line. I might not get to play live shows. But, I’m doing what I love to do. I have another online place, that when I’m ready will help me sell this product. I also am in a course to make profitable you tube videos about my passion. Through all of these things I do. I work a day job that I put 12hrs 6 days a week in. Sometimes longer. Then I go see my little girl when I can. So my life is so full. I can be over whelming at times. But I’m happy that I’m doing all of these things. Accept my day job. When it all comes together. The day job is the first to go. But I do like the job, because it gives me time to. Practice singing. Which is important at this point. I do deliveries alone. So I can really belt out the vocals.

  35. When I came back home to my family in Colorado to pursue making my films for love…I realized I needed a job to help myself with income. Although as my projects finished I was sacrificing my passion of the arts to do a normal job. Not having a fulfilled purpose of performing or doing theatre or film really took a toll the last few years to make ends meet to try and meet the cost of living. What I discovered recently is that I decided to go back to my passion and joy and made a goal to move forward and bring my passion and love for film production as a main goal and purpose with the hope of meeting amazing like minded people who understand there love of life the way I do with my craft. I am hopeful now to fulfill my purpose and want to thank you for sharing this video.

  36. This was awesome. I am in the same position tight now where I left my day job to pursue this business that I am really good at buying and selling clothes.

  37. Yes, I was extremely passionate about my last job but conditions (and salary) were terrible. Whilst my income went up 30%, I am now miserable and my quality of life during the working week is definitely worse off.

    However, I am taking action actively applying for roles and networking with people from my previous field

  38. Well I’ve been through a pretty major accident. I was on my motorcycle after a fight with my wife that is no longer on this earth. I spent 5 mo. in hospitals 7 mo. is rehab . This happened in 96 and I still recovering. I’ve bought a house( Still Paying for it). I get SS and work at the Mota Center. I’m looking for a female partner got any advice,Jeff.

  39. Love this discussion. I have literally worked myself to death. Have Stage 4 Liver Cancer after working many many years in a very demanding jib doing all I could to take care of my family. 3 kids. Of course I cannot work anymore. I believe my purpose is helping others. That is what I am passionate about. COVID has certainly put constraints on Organ Transplantations and I have accepted it. I am spriritually at peace but know I have a PURPOSE. A life of
    deeper meaning.

  40. Very good material David!!
    I am in a position where I think I had actually stumbled into a Life like you are talking about, I loved my business and what I did and was making good money (FOR ME ), Then I went through a divorce and lost everything. Whats worse is I am also recovering from an accident with a Tractor that nearly killed me..Now I still have about $3,000.00 worth of back child support to clean up from the time when I was in a Hospital recovering..I am making enough money to just survive, and cant get enough rest to heal up… I am now looking at another year passing by,and I am not living on purpose or for a purpose… I am stuck…..Don’t know how to escape…. I am actually getting tired of living… I could never imagine being in this place in my life just a few years ago, I was closer to getting it right back then…HELP…

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